Saturday, June 12, 2010

Jaycees tormentors killed a prostitute?

Antioch - kidnapping, rape, deprivation of liberty. The allegations of the adhesive can judge Phillip Garrido listless pass over him and argues boldly that to "guilty."
But what dark secrets Jaycees tormentors guards from the California town of Antioch yet? There is evidence that Phillip Garrido is a serial killer.
Between 1998 and 1999, three prostitutes and the 15-year-old Lisa Norrell was murdered. All four bodies were found in the industrial area where Garrido then worked. Because of these bloody deeds, the California police are now against him.
The unbelievable atrocities committed by the Jaycees kidnappers. Meanwhile, it seems clear that the authorities underestimated the danger of the convicted sex offender permanently.
No later than 2006, the police could have ended the ordeal of the hostages: A neighbor alerted the police, "Garrido is a psycho who lives with children and people can live in his backyard."
A sheriff visited the man and his wife Nancy (55) then a visit. He looked not once to the back yard, were locked up in the Jaycee and her children. Instead, the policeman admonished Garrido, "tents in the backyard of a misdemeanor can be" - and drew down again.
An inexcusable sloppiness. It was known that Garrido convicted since 1971 for rape and kidnapping - was a sex-offender probation for life, who had to wear a wireless bracelet so that authorities could always find his whereabouts.
But the police were not the only authority which patzte. Garrido had to meet several times a month with his case, there was unannounced home inspections as recently in July 2008. And never noticed that for years kept Garrido Jaycee Lee Dugard as a sex slave.
Read also: Why can not hate him Jaycee? > This dump had to live Jaycee> kidnappers had two children back with Jaycee> kidnapping victims after 18 years>
Also of Interest
The case of Jaycee
Why can not hate him Jaycee?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Heidi Klum: "My butt will explode"

We see our top model Heidi Klum. She is currently a Moppel-Heidi! In October to their fourth child to be born - and that is no longer overlooked.
In the dark-Walle Walle-dress the 36-year-old appeared with her husband Seal at the "Get Schooled" party in Los Angeles. There, they joked about their escalating body shapes: "The hips, butt - everything explodes in the end. Everything grows so fast, is so huge. "
And yes it was so amazing that you'll lean back afterwards. But what the heck, "I'm happy as it is. Especially when I see the first time my child. "
Also read: will Roger Willemsen shit out of Heidi Klum beat>