Monday, May 31, 2010

Masseur kneaded in the wrong place

Cologne - Just shameless! A trained lifeguard (48) from Russia was sentenced in front of District Court of sexual abuse of his patients to 2 1 / 2 years in prison!
What had happened? The man had treated a 20-year-old sister and their under school graduate, initially because of back problems. As for the girls, the language on their weight problem, the lifeguards had offered a lymphatic drainage to water retention. And then carried out with the girls a Vaginalmassage ...
In court denied the physiotherapist any erotic interest. And claimed to have the two explicitly referred to the inevitable emergence of erotic feelings. But afterwards, the judge had not said in a ruling by a "unbearable exploiting the naivete and helplessness" of the students.
Therefore: imprisonment without prospect of parole! The defense asked for acquittal, because all events would have happened on a voluntary basis - and announced that it would appeal.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

First pig pig flu

Mainz -
In Germany the first time a case of swine flu has become known in a domestic pig. The state of Rhineland-Palatinate Investigation had proved that new H1N1 influenza virus in the animal, the health ministry said in Mainz on Thursday.
"There is no reason to get excited," said Minister Margit Conrad (SPD). Because of the large number of ill people was a finding in pigs on expected sooner or later been. This viral infection is not notifiable. People can not become infected by pork products. Probably the animal was infected by a human.
Researchers at the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute on the island of Riems had already been found in experiments that pigs are susceptible to the virus. The laboratory mice developed mild flu symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, fever and diarrhea. At the same time, the team provided evidence of the virus transmission from pig to pig.
The farm with the infected pigs in Rhineland-Palatinate was closed for a short time in order to prevent proliferation. were reports of H1N1 infections in pigs so far including from the U.S., where the virus was detected in one animal at a fair in the state of Minnesota. Previously, the disease already in Argentina and Canada had spread to pigs.
Also of Interest
Young (5) dies after swine flu infection
First pig flu deaths in Germany
Puff-girls get vaccinated against swine flu
Man died after vaccination
Swine flu: Baby dead!
Swine flu mutates! Two dead in Norway
Child dies in Mainz University Hospital

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Justin Timberlake saves washing

Los Angeles - What is with the U.S. boys on? In matters as personal hygiene git it but have to catch up. After "Twilight" girls swarm RobertPattinson with comments on his greasy hair known, now moves to Justin Timberlake.
"I wash my hair more than every two weeks," revealed the 28-year-old magazine "Gala". His explanation: He wanted to spare his curly hair. Do it the hair is not good to be washed too often. "It will be fragile," says Timberlake.
Even Timberlake's ex-girlfriend Cameron Diaz had taken a few months ago a confession of disgust. Cam rinse only "big business">. Ugh!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

"I have the sweetest girlfriend in the world"

Düsseldorf - The beautiful King-Doctor Dr. Barbara Sturm (36) and Hollywood star George Hamilton (69, "Dynasty," "The Godfather III") - on Thursday they turtelten love on the Rhine in Düsseldorf-Oberkassel. They kissed, they hugged and woman walked storm stormy Mr. Hamilton even to the laundry!
Shortly after, she gloomily again towards the USA. For there the choice of Düsseldorf gets his own star on the legendary "Walk of Fame" in Hollywood!
Just recently they have come from Nice. recovered properly crisp and well-tanned. "It was a nice vacation," said Barbara Sturm, liiert which has been almost three years with George Hamilton. Because of the noisy biggest funfair on the Rhine they had fled to the Côte d'Azur>.
Back in Düsseldorf, she enjoyed life in Upper Kassel: dinner with friends Wednesday afternoon as the "Saittavini" walk with dog dodo on the Rhine. "Düsseldorf is a beautiful city. She has a great architecture, good Italian restaurants. But I am here because of Barbara, "said Hamilton. "I have the sweetest girlfriend in the world!"
Several months a year, he lives with the storm and her daughter Charlotte (12) in Upper Kassel. It is 33 years younger than he. "I feel like 40 Barbara keeps me too busy, "said Hamilton, beaming.
Thursday afternoon, the couple went on again: On 12 August George is celebrating his 70th Birthday in Los Angeles. A great day for him with the most beautiful gift of his life: Hamilton gets his own star on the Walk of Fame "in Hollywood.
"A lifelong dream come true," he says with a smile. Then they celebrate the celebrity bar "Cecconi's" in Beverly Hills. On 15 August, they continue flying in the Hamptons, where Hamilton's film "My One and Only" celebrates premiere. "A strip about his life. Rene Zellwegger plays the role of his mother. Barbara Sturm: "We take you on 18 August at the premiere of the film in New York. "

Friday, May 7, 2010

Gaucho Colautti invites applications

Mönchengladbach - 71 days after his Innenbandteilriss is Gladbachs Gaucho Roberto Colautti clippers before his comeback. "In the starting lineup he will not stand, but maybe he can help us in the last phase of the game," says VfL coach Jos Luhukay.
Be sure the attackers wanted to be on Sunday (14 clock, Borussia-Park) v Koblenz here, set itself a midweek two special classes. "I'm glad to finally be able to play again," said Colautti. In the first leg of the Argentine-born wanting to initiate a serious calf injury. Without him, Borussia came to the highest win of the season. 5-0 cleaning the colt's team coach Uwe Rapolder.
Quite so simple, the task of today is not because the guests have to do without their two best attackers Ardian Djokaj (calf problems) and Njazi Kuqi (thigh strain), and accordingly set up a tight defensive bulwark. "We have a team zusammenzimmern that keeps zero" calls Rapolder. Just the wish to prevent the Moenchengladbach attacker - especially Colautti, who was on his first goal in the Borussia Park on fire: "When I came back, I give everything and try to help the team."

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Lothar Matthaeus to Hungary?

Dusseldorf - The issue of Lothar Matthaus has done well at Fortuna by itself.
The most capped player returns as coach apparently back to Hungary and is hired for two years in first division side FC Fehervar. However, according to Matthew, there would be even more popular.
The big question: Driven or blocking the entry of the potential investor and Loddar buddy Daniel Jammer? "I am late arriving in London, then I unfolded a date after another. There was not time, "says grief for a short burst Deal on Tuesday, announcing the end of a short-term speculation:
"We will meet on Tuesday. After that, I know if I am interested to follow the structures. I'm sure we can resolve the misunderstanding. "One of these misunderstandings, it is no longer available ...