Sunday, April 25, 2010

High-heeled shoe thieves: "I am ashamed"

Bonn --
High-heeled shoe robber Alexander K. (28): He is ashamed to break his "erotic passion", women's shoes from his feet. At yesterday's launch of the process Troisdorfer but gave only a single case. EXPRESS learned: Next week will confess to the shoe robber finally all seven robberies.
The testimony of the high-heeled shoe thief: a difficult birth. In a black shirt and dark tie, the long Schlake Wednesday hawed in the dock: Yes, the attack of 16 June 2009 at the U-Bahn station Heußallee goes to his account. Clock at 13.40, he grabbed a woman's leg from behind, pulled her out of a black high-heeled shoe. Value of the booty: 50 euros. But the other six cases in subways, at airports and at the Bayer site: This would have been different shoe fetishist sein.Über his attorney Peter-René K. Gülpen could be explained: "Since 2008 I have a tendency to shoes. I found feet handsome, erotic, and alluring. When I looked at shoes, I stood under power. "And:" A Phase I today can not comprehend. I am ashamed and disgusted me from it. "
Then the turning point: With Obladen psychiatrist, Dr. Martin, who attested a borderline disorder, the defendant disappeared into the basement of the court. Results: For the first time admitted the shoe robbers all attacks. Defender against Gülpen EXPRESS: "My client is now publicly available to all actions."
The process is scheduled by mid-February. Alexander K. threat of imprisonment in addition to the placement in psychiatry.