Monday, February 22, 2010

Künast rumbles against Ruettgers

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Dusseldorf - Ruettgers and his disparaging remarks about Romanian workers and Chinese investors - now it comes very thick for the NRW Minister.
"What Ruettgers says, is pure racism," blustered the Open Group boss Renate Künast totally disgusted. She urged the consequences of Merkel: "That is unacceptable as a vice-chairman of the CDU."
Into the same horn left Gysi Group chief pushes 'campaign' table on a level with xenophobic slogans.
And SPD candidate for chancellor griped Stein Meier: It was a shame that a Prime Minister and Chinese, making fun of insulting Romanians. The comments were grist to the mill of the extremists. Ruettgers was a splitter.
Have triggered the heated debate, two in the Internet portal Youtoube published Zusammenschnitte the NRW SPD's campaign appearances Ruettgers'.
With regard to the migration of the Bochum Nokia plant in Romania, he had in Duisburg, etc. said: "And come, unlike the workers in the Ruhr region in Romania is not in the morning at seven in the first layer and remain there until the end. But they come and go as they please and they know not what they do. "
And on Chinese investors: "When it finally does not want to invest in Duisburg, and then are also choked yet, until they find Duisburg beautiful."
For comments that he had apologized on Friday. He had to offend anyone, willing to meet just before the NRW-workers who have lost their jobs due to wrong decisions. Only one days later, the NRW-SPD presented on the Internet, the second video from Munster - with similar statements.
 Ruettgers In contrast, increased protection of the Turkish Community NRW: If Ruettgers before the workers put in the Ruhr Valley, then he was fighting for thousands of Turkish workers.
Union Group Vice Wolfgang Bosbach told the Express: "This is a totally excessive excitement. Juergen Ruettgers is anything but a racist. "And what does Ruettgers itself? Wichter government spokesman: "The Prime Minister has made clear his position. The thing is done for us. "