Friday, March 26, 2010

Nobody wants to be the favorite

Bonn / Windeck - derby in the football league, the third attempt. Wednesday evening (19.30 clock) will be held twice postponed the duel between Germany and the Bonner SC Dattenfeld finite.
After the game both on 16 December 2007 and on 10 February this year had to be canceled, it seems, with the deadline on Wednesday to work out now.
Variance are both coaches in the favorite question. Both coaches, Hermann-Josef Werres (Dattenfeld) and Asif Saric (Bonn), assign that role better by themselves.
"The Bonner SC before the season had very different needs than we do. I think that the BSC is easier Wednesday night favorites, "says Werres. "No, I disagree. For me there are no favorites. Both teams have been strengthened during the winter break again, it's a whole new game, "Asif Saric illustrates his view of things.
In the first leg were Dattenfeld's 3-2 victory at Bonner Sportpark Nord the lucky winner.
Meanwhile, it is for both teams at the qualifying round for NRW Liga (at least 11th place). "The fact that the duel between the two is ten most senior clubs in the region, gives the evening, of course, a special flavor," says Werres.
But even here, his opponent has a different opinion from Bonn. "It's an important game, yes. But it is not special. For us it's in every game is about to get the points - no matter against which opponent, "said Saric.
Personnel relaxes the situation at Bonner SC, at least a little bit. Frank Mayer trained for since Monday after recovering from a feverish flu again.
Saric: "I am glad that we have thus in a storm is another alternative. Waive" but he still has his top scorer Wojciech Pollock (thigh) strain.